Artwork and letters by hand, documenting simple pleasures, elusive moods, and humble stories.


Sutro Heights No. 1


4″ × 6″


Cover-weight paper stock; acid-free paper adhesive

unavailable / private collection

A yellow hill against a pale yellow sky is punctuated by washes of green grasses and sprigs of red flowers. Logs and fenceposts create layers in the paper landscape. An angled view reveals the layering of intricate flowers and grasses in the foreground of the artwork.

Since I moved back to the Richmond in 2022, I’ve revisited Land’s End and the nearby Sutro Heights a handful of times. Almost all of the trips happen unplanned. I feel an urge to head outdoors and move my body, perhaps surrounded by the pungent scent of greenery rather than the rumble of passing cars. And I’ll remember the little hidden twists, turns, and vistas along these coastal trails—then my feet make their way out of my building and begin the trip out west. It’s as simple as that.


Sometimes I’m shocked at my casual state of mind when heading to such a place. People plan visits here from all the way on the other side of the globe. But, well… it’s one of those benefits of living where I do, I guess.


I do try to keep my senses open and look upon the landscape as if I’m seeing it for the first time.

Actually, it’s not that hard. When I only walk down a path once or twice a year, I don’t remember it that well. Not to mention, all of the plants look so different from one season to the next. I vageuly remember the gravel paths climbing up and down the terrain, sometimes giving way to roughly hewn stairs where fallen branches hold the earth in place. There are areas of unimaginable lushness and towering depths of green. And there are places where the ocean peeks out between thick stands of trees (in my mind’s eye it’s usually cypress.) Open expanses come up unexpectedly to reveal coastal grasses flowing across the land.

A year later, I remembered that I took a photo somewhere out there and made this artwork from that photo. But I couldn’t tell you where that was, exactly. If I tried to find it again, I’m not sure I could.